Psych Yourself

Smoke Free

With Hypnosis!

Stop Smoking

Quickly … Privately … Permanently

You’ve tried everything to quit smoking and nothing’s worked. THIS DOES…so well, in fact, that over the past 40+ years thousands have used this revolutionary system to quit smoking once and for all, now and forever … without patches, gums, aversion therapy … and without using willpower!

Take Frank Lopez of Lubbock, TX, for example. He was a 3 pack-a-day, 31 year smoker who had tried the Patch, nicotine gum, aversion therapy and “white-knuckle” willpower and even other hypnosis programs to kick the deadly weed. “Five wall-climbing days was the longest I ever made it’, he wrote. “Dr. Kaloski helped me quit smoking with absolutely no withdrawal. It’s been 4 years now and I’ve never felt better”.

“From one professional to another, you really know your stuff. I started smoking during my Internship at the UCLA Medical Center to relieve the stress. Thirty plus years later I was up to 2 packs a day and had tried patches, Nicorette gum and white-knuckle willpower. They all had the same dismal results. One session with you on January 11th, 2007 did the trick. No more cigarettes and no desire for them either! As a matter of fact, when I got back down to my car after the session, I couldn’t stand the stale tobacco odor smell inside. Would have sold the car but it’s a Porsche.”

– Jeffrey Kurland, MD, Ph.D., Marina Del Rey, CA

That’s right! Regardless of your past experience with trying to quit, YOU CAN STOP SMOKING in just ONE private and personalized hypnotherapy session. And you’ll do it without pills, patches, craving, irritability, withdrawal symptoms and without gaining weight. It’s true! That expensive, unhealthy habit is gone forever in just one hypnotherapy session. (And this program also works for chewing tobacco.) By tapping into the power of your subconscious mind, hypnosis eliminates all desire and cravings in everyday life situations – in the morning, driving, on the phone, having coffee, after meals, under pressure – even in the presence of smokers. Whether you’re a chronic smoker or a casual smoker, whether you’ve smoked for 5 years of 50 years, whether you love to smoke or hate to smoke, THIS PROGRAM CAN WORK FOR YOU!

“I started smoking back in the 1960s because I thought it would make me look cool. Yeah, REAL COOL! Even when I was diagnosed with COPD I didn’t quit. I was always terribly afraid of the withdrawal symptoms so many people told me about. My neighbors, Joe & Sally Fernandez, told me how you helped them and their nephew quit in just one session and they had no withdrawal symptoms. I decided to give it a try and now, 6 months later, my pack-and-a-half day habit is history. And no withdrawal symptoms. Thank you Dr. Kaloski. You saved my life.”

– Ruth Coulter, Henderson, NV

What’s included:

Private and personalized sessions With Dr Kaloski Himself

These are one-on-one sessions with Dr. Kaloski custom designed to specifically target and address your unique and individual eating habits and behaviors to effect permanent and lasting change. Done via telephone, FB Messenger (Video or Audio), Zoom or Skype;

MP3 recording to ensure your continuing success

You receive an MP3 recording of your therapy session so that you may reinforce your therapy after the program;

A Fool-Proof System of Stress Management 

(MP3 session & eBook) – Many people smoke as a response to stressful situations. Learn tools and techniques to overcome the impact of stress related tensions;

A Fail-Safe Master Plan To Stay Stopped… Once And For All… Now And Forever

(EBook). Quitting smoking could well be one of the most significant actions you have ever taken on your own behalf. So don’t risk losing your freedom.

“Hi Dr. Bruce. My name is Bob Byram. A little over 20 years ago I attended a Stop Smoking presentation given by you. It was at the Double Tree in Ventura, CA. Well, I guess hypnosis works. I still have not smoked since that evening. Over 320,000 cigarettes that never saw fire. Thank you!!! I thank you, my wife thanks you, my children thank you and the many people I have helped to stop smoking using hypnosis thank you.”

– Robert Byram, Retired Optometrist, MA in Counseling Psychology, Certified Hypnotherapist, Ventura, CA

Life Time Support Guarantee!

My Promise to You

“If, after your recommended Program, you should ever need any extra smoking cessation help, that help is yours for the asking … absolutely FREE OF CHARGE.”

– Dr. Bruce E. Kaloski

Click here to contact
Dr. Kaloski

Beside the areas of weight loss and smoking cessation, Dr. Kaloski also offers life changing hypnotherapy programs for a variety of other self-improvement and personal development areas including:

  • Memory & Concentration
  • Exam Prep
  • Stress Management
  • Anxiety
  • Fears & Phobias
  • Sports Improvement
  • Pain Management
  • Self-Esteem & Self-Confidence
  • Stage Fright
  • Alcohol Dependence
  • Sales Motivation

And more!

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Dr. Kaloski

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